Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 87: Two Days and a Wake-Up

Sorry for the lag, dear readers. Brenda and I have been frantically preparing for my next phase of incarceration: House Arrest. Anything remotely resembling contraband had to be boxed up and removed, and a place prepared for the base unit of my "Shock Collar". I call it that because the concept of the thing is just like the one my dog has, except his is to protect him from the big bad world (instead of protecting the big bad world from criminals like me), and he can actually use the entire yard.

These last two weeks are dragging, dragging, dragging! House Arrest is going to be miserable, but at least I will have a climate controlled, clean place to live, and a kitchen to cook in (instead of a bathroom). But it can not come soon enough.

For the last three months Brenda and I have been trying to figure out the right way to calculate how many days I have left. I never count today, nor do I want to count the last day, as I leave the prison at 7:15AM. When you count down the days until Christmas, you don't count Christmas Day, right?

Well a fellow inmate agrees, and like everything else, there is appropriate lingo: The Wake Up is the day you get out. Today is Tuesday, so I have two full days, and then Friday I get out: I have two days and A Wake Up left in prison!

I've been taking out my books the last couple of days. Today, I left carrying Theodor Adorno's lectures on History and Freedom and another inmate asked about it.

"You read much philosophy?", he asked.

"Some, but not as much as I'd like."

"I have the Nieztsche reader downstairs, and I found some Engels that I am going to read next."

Awesome. We had a short conversation about the similarities between rejecting Liberalism and rejecting Metaphysics before I left for work. Too bad I didn't run into this guy earlier, maybe we could have started a Prison Philosophy Club.

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